They were once called “interim” pastors because they filled a void in preaching and pastoring when a church was without a pastor. Then they were called “transitional” pastors because it became obvious to everyone that an ideal time to change was when a church was without a pastor. Now again, there is a need for a change in the role that interim and transitional pastors fill. At Corpus, we identify this key role as Transitional Revitalization Pastor.
With ninety percent of churches plateaued or declining, all of evangelical Christianity in the Western World is focused upon the need for church revitalization. According to extensive Corpus research, statistics indicate that when a pastoral transition occurs, it is the ideal time to initiate church revitalization. The challenge is that the effort to launch a revitalization requires unique skill sets and special tools. RENEW is a comprehensive training program which certifies Transitional Revitalization Pastors in the important work of revitalization.
Drawing upon the ReFocus process, we will help you ReAssess, RePosition, ReDirect, and ReSource the church during the interim period. You will find this four-step process helpful and powerful as you do the work of leading a church through its transition.
Evaluate the church’s current ministry to gain insights into the church’s health, the church’s culture, and the growth or decline the church has experienced.
Follow Jesus’ model as you look closely at the community context, the church’s ministry, and the church’s leadership to discern where God wants the church to be rightly positioned for the future.
Take an in-depth look at what the church does, why it does it, and how it does it to gain clarity about the church’s direction as it pertains to Mission, Values, and Strategy.
This final section provides helpful and practical resources for planning, communicating, coaching and making difficult decisions as
you do the actual work of a Transitional Revitalization Pastor.